Saturday 16 July 2016

How Often Should You Shave?

This is a question that has been asked too often, especially by beginners or what we like to call ‘first timers’. Some people believe that the more they shave, the quicker the hair grows back. This is an entirely different debate topic we won’t be bothering ourselves with today. So, back to the question of the frequency of shaving

There is no ideal standard for the frequency of shaving. It has a whole lot to do with personal preference. This is because we all have different skin and hair types. It would not be fair to impose on one skin type, what works best for another. Some people shave every day because they want to make sure their skin is as hair-free as it can possibly get. For others, it has become more of a habit to place razor on skin everyday – it’s considered part of their daily routine. Some professions like the military demand that shaving is done daily or that no hair is seen growing on the face.

Yet there are some that shave once or twice a week. Usually these people don’t have fast growing hairs and may not necessarily need to remove stubble so often. There are some that may shave bi-monthly and so on. The basic idea is to find what works best for you and stick with it. There is absolutely nothing wrong or right in the frequency you have chosen, unless of cause you have a sensitive skin. If you do, you may want to reduce your frequency to reduce the likelihood of getting cuts and bumps so often.

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