Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Prevent Razor Burns with the Vikings Blade

A razor burn or any other skin irritation can be a bit embarrassing, especially when you are the only one with it among your friends and colleagues. This in no doubt means you have to suffer alone and in silence. There are ways to help combat your razor burn and we will be addressing one of them in this article. We will be looking at how to prevent it with a good, quality DE razor.

Razor burns are gotten when shaving is done against the direction of hair growth. This is known largely as shaving against the groin. When hairs are cut against the direction in which they grew, they tend to bend backwards. Cut hair usually has a short, sharp tip. When these hairs bend backwards, the pierce through the skin and causes inflammation.

Another cause of razor burn is accumulation of bacteria or bacteria buildup. When you use old, dull blades, they usually have a residue of bacteria. When cuts occur as you shave, these accumulated bacteria tend to enter into these wounds and cause razor burns. The Vikings Blade is designed with superior quality materials that make its blades ultra-sharp. It also comes with 5 blades that allow you make changes without breaking your shave. Its micro-comb feature also prevents accidental cuts while you shave. With no cuts, there is no way bacteria can get under your skin and cause a razor burn. 

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