Saturday, 20 August 2016

Safety Razor’s Edge Over the Others

There has been or still existing argument on if the double edge razor is the best razor out there. For many cartridge or electric razor users, they don’t just seem to get the fuss about the DE razor. to give more light into the world of DE razors, here are two main advantages the safety razor has over the other  razors.

The cartridge razor was at one time the glory of shaving. Its principle uses multiple blades to cut stubble by passing the hairs through a series of closely fitted blades. The DE razor came to change all that, mostly because men were expected to spend a lot in changing these blades. With the DE razor, you just have to buy a single blade with double edges. This not only reduces the cost of changing blades, it also ensures a better shave.

Closer and More Detailed Shave

Unlike the other razors, the DE razor is designed to give close shaves to men. It is able to achieve this by the positioning and angle of the blades. Most DE razors have their blades placed at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees. This pushes the head of the razor closer to your skin. The closer the razor is to the skin, lower and cleaner the shave will be.

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