Monday 27 June 2016

Know Your Shaving Brush & Why It is Important to Do So

The shaving brush has its application in wet shaving. If you are new to shaving or just about venturing into the world of wet shaving, the shaving brush is a major player in this league. When you think of a shaving brush, think of it as a sidekick to the heroic safety razor. Even for men that have been wet shaving for years, some of them still don’t know the importance of the shaving brush.

This understanding can only start from examining and appreciating the design detail of the shaving brush. Three important things in a shaving brush are the knot, handle, and loft. The knot of the brush is the diameter of the brush base. For beginners, a 24mm knot size is appropriate. This diameter will ensure enough precision and spread of the shaving cream. Smaller knot size increases precision but won’t be able to carry up enough lather at once. This means you have to lather up severally. Getting a balance is ideal for the knot size.

The loft is basically the height of the brush bristles. Simply put, the distance from the brush tip to the knot base is the loft. The loft does more than just applying the shaving cream, it also acts as a pre-exfoliation agent by removing leftover dirt, dead skin, and oil from your skin before shaving. So a brush with shorter loft and average knot base will give you more control in exfoliating the skin and applying the cream.

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